Saturday, January 17, 2009

Photos from the Road - Day 2

In addition to the Day 2 photos, we've added new photos from Day 1. Be sure to check out Photos from the Road - Day 1 for more pictures from the first leg our our journey.

photos by Scott Heath


  1. Dear Darryl, I hope you aren't too cold but I know you are pretty cold. But I've seen you on the computer and you look warm. Love, Sadie, age 7

    Dear Guys,
    We are amazed by you! Thanks for keeping us updated. The scenery looks absolutely beautiful. Stay warm and keep it up- you're almost there!
    -Jenny Hoffman

  2. dear darryl,
    how are you? are you warm at all? how many times
    have you stopped?
    love sadie.

  3. My Boys!! I'm so proud of you guys.. i can't imagine how intense this whole experience must be, and how amazing it must feel to be getting closer and closer to an amazing feat. i wish i could have come along... (probably with cory and scott in the car)!
    lots of love and luck,

  4. there's no bad weather if you have the right gear and spirit. y'all may have an easier time than cars getting into the city.

    ride on---

